Sunday, June 26, 2011


I feel the need to remember fondly how much I have loved gardening in the past.  This year I am having a vole problem and although I have tried everything short of poison to get rid of them, they still are happily munching down the roots of my plants.  If the voles had a 1000 Awesome Things blog, at the top of their list would be Elise's garden!

Anyway, I really do love to garden.  I love the exhaustion after a day spent digging and weeding.  I love seeing a plant sprout out of the ground.  I love to start seedlings inside especially when they come from seeds that I have saved myself!  I love when I finally manage to harvest a plant that I have never been able to grow in the past.  I was overjoyed when I finally discovered that I really needed to apply more cow manure and fertilizer in order for things to grow.  It feels great when every once in a while I have enough to be able to give something away...even if it's just one zucchini!

The fantasy of a large and productive garden is almost as good as the actual garden itself.  In the winter there is nothing better than dreaming of the abundant produce I will get the next summer.  It never seems to pan out but the dream gets me through!

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