Saturday, October 22, 2011


I simply love those days when you can sit and do nothing, not that there is nothing to do just that you don't want to and don't have to.  One channel, one room, a few actions, roaming thoughts and breathing.  I don't know what else there is to say...

Friday, October 21, 2011


I know that Sarah loves the TV show The Office but I also enjoy it.  It makes it even more special when I get a chance to watch it with her.  I get to see her smile when she likes a joke.  When something makes me laugh out loud, I get to see her smile when she tells me "Mom, it wasn't that funny."  But it was that funny!  Just awesome!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I know that you are probably thinking that I have said I hate running (Mom...), but my personal experience with it isn't why I am writing about it, it's running in general. I run on my school's cross country team, and I know that I do complain about running and how terrible I feel and how stiff I am, but something about running is awesome. I don't know quite what it is. If it's how amazingly fast you can lose weight by using it daily. Or the fact that when you run (or when I do at least) I never think, I only think beforehand how bad it's going to be and after about how I did. I've actually tried to think and run at the same time but I can only focus on... well, nothing, I don't even know how or why. Or maybe its that reliable satisfaction after running that, when not compared to others, but yourself and only yourself, just makes you feel: wow, I can do that. Maybe it's the fact that it is a sport and yet it doesn't have to be. Or perhaps it's the superhuman strength of some and others the superhuman persistence. Or even the transportation aspect of it, you're moving (fast or slow), racing, running to a destination that can only be described to yourself or someone who's been there before...
It's just awesome.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


People often say they love to hear the sound of little feet pitter pattering through the house.  Well, I love to hear the sound of our cat George galloping through our house.  He's so funny because he sometimes will randomly tear through the house like a wild banshee!  Just for the joy of it.  He loves to run up and down the stairs.  He's always done this but now he's not even a kitten anymore.  He is six years old.  That just makes me smile more.  If he was a person, he'd be one of those happy care free types.